Every superhero needs a sidekick – and now there’s one for the everyday heroes who protect and power up enterprise networks. Enter Marvis, the virtual network assistant that’s now available as part of Juniper’s Mist services. Like the rest of the Mist line-up, Marvis is an AI, one designed specifically to ease network admins through even the most complex and challenging situations. So, who is Marvis, and what makes it the best sidekick for the super-net admin?

The bug-busting butler for your network

Like its inspired namesake of Avengers fame, Marvis operates as a personal assistant to the hero of the day: in this case, network admins and engineers who face growing complexity and workloads. On the face of it, Marvis resembles a helpdesk chat window, where you’ll find yourself typing in questions or requests as you would to a person – no code or complicated syntax required. However, that seemingly bland exterior belies much greater power beneath the hood.

Marvis acts as the go-between for the net admin and the full range of AI services that Juniper Mist offers, which can govern networks and provision services far more efficiently and holistically than traditional solutions can. These services rapidly enhance user experience, streamline maintenance and ops, and deliver substantial added value (from API-driven workflow integrations to location-based services) if they’re used to their full potential. Marvis makes it that much easier for us humans to plug into the power of these machine solutions.

Let’s say, for example, you’re facing an unexpected drop in network performance at a certain site. Traditionally you’d have to go hunting through logs and alerts, piece together all the clues, and come up with a best guess as to what the problem might be – a process that can cost hours, if not days, of quality of service.

With your network “butler” by your side, however, you’d simply ask Marvis to pull up certain metrics or possible causes of the performance issue. The AI taps into the data being processed by other Mist services, analyses the information you’ve requested, and presents its findings in clear English, in real time. More broadly speaking, you’re getting real-time answers to complex problems that’ll help you smooth out ops, simplify fixes, and keep users happy – everything a network superhero could hope for.

Built for businesses with a big vision

Juniper Mist’s AI solutions have been around for a few years now, and they’re finally being recognised as some of the most valuable network solutions for the modern enterprise. Marvis occupies an important part in the solution set because of how accessible it makes these services. It’s especially useful for helping to swat everyday issues like anomaly detection and accurate root cause analysis – traditionally time-consuming tasks that nevertheless have an outsized impact on user experience. Not to mention that Marvis learns over time: the more tickets you lodge with the virtual network assistant, the greater its comprehension and efficacy.

We’ve found that Marvis works particularly well for customers with an appetite for network innovation. That might include

  • Developing a Wi-Fi 6 or mGig (802.3bz) strategy for greater speeds and bandwidth;
  • Exploring ways to automate operations for efficiency or scalability; or
  • Building out an Internet of Things network to enhance what’s possible for your business infrastructure.

In such instances, Marvis and the broader Mist suite make it easier to ensure consistent and seamless back-end operations even while increasing complexity – which in turn allows network engineers and the technology team to keep their focus on multiplying value for the business.

If you think Marvis could be the right support character for your network adventures, give it a test by signing up for a Juniper Mist account – you’ll get 90 days free to try working with Marvis across your network. And if you’re looking to find out more about Marvis or get technical support on its implementation, email us at mist.presales@dickerdata.com.au. We’ve seen a stark contrast in network performance and potential for many customers who’ve deployed Marvis compared to before they employed Mist on their networks – and we’d love to help you experience that super-sidekick boost too.

DEMO: Watch how the Marvis Conversational Interface works across Wireless, Wired, and WAN installations

The Author

Paul Wen

Paul is a Data Centre and Networks Solution Architect in the Dicker Data Networks Team. With over 10 years of practical and technical experience in the industry, Paul enables the pursuit of effective business solutions utilising appropriate technologies for storage and server optimization, as well as wired and wireless networks performance. Paul’s hands-on approach and dedication to customer service gives customers a peace of mind that they are well-supported every step of the way.